Business Meeting
Virtual via ZoomBrother Knights; Our December 7th business meeting will be via Zoom only and we'll remain on Zoom until the tide has turned in the panedemic. Here are the meeting details - Rosary at 7 pm,...
4th Degree Meeting Via Zoom
Virtual via ZoomSir Knights; David Gorrell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting for the 4th Degree. Time: Monday, December 14th,, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Knights of Columbus Assembly 252 Meeting...
Covenant Network Catholic Radiothon
91.9 WHOJTune into Catholic Radio WHOJ 91.9 on Tuesday, December 15th between 8 am and 9 am as St. Mother Theodore Guerin Council #541 Knights Bob Flott and Bret Ridgway help the Covenant Radio Network kick...
Gibault Shopping
Walmart SouthWe'll be purchasing stockings, candy and gifts for the children of Gibault at 7 pm at Wal Mart south.
Stocking Stuffing for Gibault
Speaker Fulfillment Services & St. Joseph University Parish 2001 N. Hunt Street, Terre Haute, United StatesBrother Knights: It's time to stuff the stockings for the children at Gibault. We need several Knights to help us get this done in a timely manner this evening at 7 pm. The stocking will...
Christmas in the Park Teardown
Deming ParkPlease come out and help us disassembly this year's Christmas in the Park display at Deming Park. We'll start at 10 am and hope to get it done in just a couple of hours.
Business Meeting
Virtual via ZoomBret Ridgway is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: St. Mother Theodore Guerin Council #0541 Meeting Time: Jan 4, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID:...
District 26 Meeting
Annunication Parish in Brazil or via ZoomAll council officers are invited to a District 26 meeting Saturday, January 9th.
Car Parade for Life
Fairbanks ParkLOGISTICS ARE BELOW THIS MESSAGE -------------------------------------------------- Brothers, On Friday, January 29th at 1:00 PM EST we are tentatively planning a “Car Parade for Life.” Because of the pandemic the Knights of Columbus' active role in...
Business Meeting
Virtual via ZoomBret Ridgway is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Council 541 St. Mother Theodore Guerin Monthly Rosary and Business Meeting Time: Feb 1, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time Join Zoom Meeting Meeting...