Special Olympics Summer Games
Indiana State / Rose HulmanTo volunteer to help at the Special Olympics Summer Games please follow the link below: https://soi2022summergames.my-trs.com/select_registrant_types Here are some instructions, if needed: Select the blue box that says General Volunteer. Follow the instructions on the...
St. Benedict Soup Kitchen
St. Benedict's 111 South 9th Street, Terre Haute, IN, United StatesHuggies Luv Fest
Marine Corps LeagueKnights will be preparing burgers & dogs for visitors to the 2nd annual Huggies Luv Fest. Proceeds will benefit the local diaper bank. We'll be serving most of the day so please come out for...
St. Benedict Soup Kitchen
St. Benedict's 111 South 9th Street, Terre Haute, IN, United StatesBusiness Meeting
St. Margaret MaryWe will be returning to St. Margaret Mary beginning in July for our monthly business meeting. Rosary at 7 pm, business meeting at 7:30, meal to follow. Note: Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July...
St. Benedict Soup Kitchen
St. Benedict's 111 South 9th Street, Terre Haute, IN, United StatesKnights of Columbus Night at Carmelite Monastery Novena
Carmelite MonasteryPlease join us at the Carmelite Monastery on Saturday, July 9th at 7 pm for what is designated as Knights of Columbus night for the 2nd day of the Carmelite Nuns' 9 day Novena. Bring...
4th Degree Meeting
St. Margaret MaryNote: We will be back at St. Margaret Mary for all meetings.
St. Benedict Soup Kitchen
St. Benedict's 111 South 9th Street, Terre Haute, IN, United StatesBiking for Babies Meet and Greet
St. Mary of the WoodsThe riders for the Biking for Babies organization will be coming through Terre Haute on July 13 and staying at St. Mary of the Woods College. Knights from our council are invited to meet and...