Photos from the 1950s and 1960s

This processions of Knights down Wabash Avenue in
Terre Haute is from 1968.

The Knights were out in full force for this 1968 service
at St. Joseph University Parish.

A Knights of Columbus Color Guard exists St. Joseph
University Parish in this picture from 1968.

Sir Knight Ralph Dosch from 1968.

52nd Annual State Convention




52nd Annual State Convention – Lafayette, Indiana

Corpus Christi Procession - June 8, 1950Corpus Christi Procession – June 8, 1950

Corpus Christi Procession-2, June 8, 1950



Corpus Christi Procession – June 8, 1950

Gibault Annual Christmas - 1950Gibault Annual Christmas 1950

K of C Clubhouse - 1950


Knights of Columbus Clubhouse 1950

Knights from 1951Knights from 1951

Monsignor Finlay B Walker Memorial Class - April 30, 1950



Monsignor Finlay B Walker Memorial Class 1950

Past Grand Knights from 1950 State Convention

Past Grand Knights from 1950  State Convention

Past Grand KnightsPast Grand Knights

Past LecturersPast Lecturers

Picture from Tribune Star 1950 of First Minstrel Show Sponsored by K of C in 1909

Picture from Tribune Star 1950 of First Minstrel Show Sponsored by K of C in 1909

Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Fatima Shrine - October 13, 1957


Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Fatima Shrine – October 22, 1957

Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Fatima Shrine-2 - October 13, 1957



Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Fatima Shrine – 1957




Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Fatima Shrine – 1957