Flag Day Celebration –
February 19, 1943
Flag Day Float 1942
Fourth Degree Authorization 1949
Fr Francis Lehner, First Chaplain – 1900
Early Clubhouse Photo
Officer Installation – August 1, 1948
Lads and Dads – May 1943
Lloyd Hawver – Gone But Not Forgotten
Loyola Basketball Team Banquet – February 3, 1946
Men’s Bowling League – 1947
Pouring Some Beers
Sacred Heart Baseball Team
Singing a Tune for the Guys
Fellowship at the Bar
Some Musical Entertainment
Squires – January 24, 1940
Terre Haute Early 1900’s
The Dance Line
Veterans Dinner Following WWII
Veterans Banquet 1946
4th Degree Assembly Charter Members – 1903
4th Degree Installation 1949
4th Degree Installation 1949
The Boys in the Gym – November 27, 1941
Chatting with the Bartender
Chef Knights – October 9, 1947
Class Initiation – July 7, 1946
Class Initiation – June 5, 1949
Class Initiation – June 24, 1945
Class Initiation – Unknown Date
Enjoying Some Corn on the Cob
Early 3rd Degree Class
Convention Dinner at the Terre Haute House – September 24, 1949
Early 4th Degree Class
Enjoying Some Cooks Beer
The Buffet Line
Enjoying the Games
Entertainment by Accordian
Family Gathering – October 13, 1946
Fraternal League Basketball Awards
John Dinkel, Jake Rassel, Ralph Cassidy Newspaper Clipping
K of C Clubhouse
Wabash Avenue Looking East Early 1900’s
Fourth Degree Registration
Early Clubhouse Photo
Some of the Ladies of the Knights
Officers 1940
Grand Knight: John Valle
Deputy Grand Knight: Jay Carter
Chancellor: Myron Busby Treasurer: Frank Hanisch Warden: Thomas Sweeney Advocate: Raymond Kearns Recorder: Albert Dicks
Trustee: Raymond Casey
Inside Guard: Edward Valle
Outside Guards: John Fagan, John Richor
Site of First Clubhouse Early 1900s
Ceremony at St. Joseph University Parish
Lloyd Hawver Remembrance Dinner