Knights Jason Cooper, Sean Cramer and Bret
Ridgway along with Jason’s son served up
pizza at the annual Gibault Christmas Party.

A good crowd of Knights and their family members
turned up from around the state for the Gibault
Christmas Party.
Jason Cooper and son Dakota helped with the
gift shopping for the children at Gibault.
Just some of the games purchased for the Gibault
Christmas Party.
Among their gifts each child at Gibault received
a fleece blanket.
The Knight’s annual Christmas in the Park display
spreading our “Keep Christ in Christmas” message.
District Deputy George Knezevich (right) presents
Council #541 Grand Knight Bret Ridgway with the
Father McGivney Award.
The Knights helped stuff stockings for the children
at Gibault at the 2019 Christmas Party.
Family members of the Knights also stepped
in to help out with stocking stuffing.
Stocking up with stocking stuffers for the children at
Gibault who don’t get to go home for Christmas.
Knights Phil Brown, Mike Brown and Mike Sternal
joined David Gorrell and Bret Ridgway for candy
shopping at Walmart for the children at Gibault.
Knight Michael Martell helps unload one of the many
barrels collected for the Catholic Charities’ Share Your
Thanksgiving food drive. Overall, 9,762 pounds of food
were collected for those in need.
Knight John O’Connor helped grill hamburgers and hot dogs
and served drinks at the St. Joseph University Parish Awakenings
Retreat for college students.
Sir Knights (from left to right) George Knezevich,
Mark Monahan, Bret Ridgway and Bob Flott served
as escorts for the families at the November 4th Mass
of Remembrance at St. Joseph University Parish.
Knights Chad Roach (l) and Bret Ridgway (r) present
Jim Edwards of Ryves Youth Center with a check for
$4000 from our Ride for Ryves fundraiser in September, 2019.
Installation of Officers for the 2019 – 2020 Year. Pictured in back from left to right
Mark Monahan (Recorder), Bob Flott (Deputy Grand Knight), Sean Cramer (Chancellor),
Jason Cooper (Warden), Ryan Loftus (Financial Secretary) and in front from left to right
David Gorrell (Trustee 3rd Year), Marty Storey (Trustee 2nd Year) and Bret Ridgway (Grand Knight).
Congratulations to our newest 4th Degree Member –
Sir Knight Jason Cooper!
Knights Bret Ridgway, Mark Monahan, Ron Fouts
and guest Bill Burdine teed it up for the children at
Gibault during the annual Gibault Golf Scramble.
Sir Knights David Gorrell (l) and Bret Ridgway (r)
recently traveled to Worthington to join Linton
Knights Terry Stefancik and Mark Taylor as part
of an honor guard for a fallen Knight.
Sir Knights Tom Born, Bob Flott, Sean Cramer, Bret Ridgway,
Ron Fouts and David Gorrell provided a Color Guard for the
Monsignor Moran Funeral Mass on May 8, 2019.
Council #541 received a Gibault “We Care Award” for our support
of Gibault in 2018 at the 2019 State K of C Convention.
Our council was recognized at the 2019 State Convention for being among
the state leadership for membership growth for the 2018-2019 Fraternal year.
Knights and clergy who participated in our inaugural 9 Hour Novena on
May 4th at St. Margaret Mary. In front are Knights Dennis Bialaszewski and
Marty Story along with Father Ron Ashmore. Standing in back from left to
right are Knights Joseph, Father Dan Bedel, Sean Cramer, Daniel Brenton
Charles Kindrick, Bob Flott and Tony Peterson.
Our original council charter (Dated 1900!) on display
at its new home at the K of C State Museum at Gibault.
Our beautiful state of Mary on display at its new home
at the Knights of Columbus state museum at Gibault.
Knight Jacob Ridgway assists Habitat for Humanity in the
building of a shed.
The Knights of Columbus is recognized at the annual Crisis Pregnancy Center
fundraising dinner for helping provide a new ultrasound machine to their facility.
Knights Nick Solum, Marty Storey, Mike Sternal and Jerry Thais
serving it up at the St. Benedict Fish Fry
Ryan Loftus taking advantage of the K of C fish fry
A good crowd showed up for the St. Benedict Fish Fry
Knights Joseph Justice and Ramon de la Cruz
prepared to serve at Mass as St. Joseph University Parish
Grand Knight Bret Ridgway was honored to present the colors
at the 2019 St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Bret Ridgway, Grand Knight of Council #541 presents a $500 donation
to Crisis Pregnancy Center Executive Director Sharon Carey
Knights Marty Storey, Ryan Loftus and Daniel Brenton (pictured) and
Terrell Butler and Bret Ridgway (not pictured) helped with the paining
project in February at Ryves Youth Center.
Daniel Brenton helped with the painting project at Ryves Youth Center.
Welcome to our new Knights, Andrew Gearhart (above) and Joseph Justice (below).
Knight Marty Storey was among those helping with the
Gibault Christmas shopping.
Some serious shopping for the kids at Gibault by Knights
Mike Sternal, Jerry Thais, David Gorrell, Terrell Butler
and Mike Brown.
Knights Mike Sternal and Bob Flott helped the Loyal Veterans
Battallion Sort Clothes for Homeless Veterans
Knight Andy Pfister (far left) accepts the 6th Plac
Prize for the K of C Keep Christ in Christmas Display
Knights and their guest help to stuff stockings for the
children at Gibault
90 Stockings were stuffed with candy for the children at Gibault
who don’t get to go home for Christmas.
Many hands make light work as over $700 of candy was stuffed
into stockings for Gibault.
Knights Tom Born (left) and Ron Fouts were among the
45 people who joined us for the annual K of C Christmas Party.
Some parishioners from St. Margaret Mary surprised us
with some Christmas carols during our annual Christmas party.
Knight George Knezevich coaches his 5th & 6th
grade CYO basketball team during a K of C sponsored
tournament at Ryves Youth Center.
Just some of the action from the K of C sponsored
CYO basketball tournament.
Just some of the action from the K of C sponsored
CYO basketball tournament.
Just some of the action from the K of C sponsored
CYO basketball tournament.
Just some of the action from the K of C sponsored
CYO basketball tournament.
Just some of the action from the K of C sponsored
CYO basketball tournament.
Bret Ridgway presents Brother Ian of St. Joseph University
Parish with a donation to help the college students with some
of the expenses for them to attend the Seek 2019 conference.
Our annual Keep Christ in Christmas display at Deming Park
went live on December 3rd.
Our Council was sent this beautiful certificate of appreciation
for our support of the Operation Combat Bikesaver program.
Congratulations to the newest member of the 4th Degree,
Sir Knight Marty Storey.
Grand Knight Bret Ridgway presents a donation to Elizabeth Davis
of St. Joseph University Parish for the Young Adult Ministry.
Knights Mark Monahan and Bret Ridgway manned the grill
to prepare a lunch for the University Ministry students at
St. Joseph University Parish during their Awakenings Retreat.
Sir Knights Bob Flott, Mark Monahan, Tom Born and
Bret Ridgway are pictured with Friar Savio of St. Joseph
University Parish at the Nov. 2018 Mass of Remembrance.
Knights George Knezevich, David Gorrell, Mike Brown
and Ken Nordmeyer served at the Mass of Remembrance
at St. Benedict Parish.
Grand Knight Bret Ridgway presents a check for $200 to Elizabeth
Davis of St. Joseph University Parish for their Young Adult Ministry program.
The Knights present a check for $3302 to the Ryves Youth Center
from the annual Ride for Ryves. Pictured left to right, Knight Chad
Roach, Jim Edwards – Director of Ryves Youth Center, Knight Bret
Ridgway and Director of Catholic Charities John Etling.
Congratulations to our newest 3rd Degree Knights –
Jason Copper and Daniel Brenton!
The Knights of Columbus showed up in full force at
O dark 30 to help with the St. Margaret Mary annual
Knight Marty Storey, along with Ken Nordmeyer, Bob
Flott and Bret Ridgway picked up barrels for the
Catholic Charities Sock and Underwear Drive.
Knights Kevin Murphy, David Gorrell, Jason Cooper,
Marty Storey, George Knezevich, Bret Ridgway and
Terrell Butler turned out to help with the United Way
Day of Action service project at St. Mary of the Woods
Knights Bob Flott and Scott Rhodes load barrels to help with the
Catholic Charities Christmas Store Sock & Underwear Drive
Knights Bob Flott and Bret Ridgway were pleased to present Bob Rogers of the Loyal Veterans Battalion with 33 sleeping bags that will be given to the homeless in the Terre Haute area. Also pictured is Theresa Selcke of Walmart, who provided the bags at a discount for us.
Bob Flott and Bob Rogers of the Loyal Veterans Battalion load the sleeping bags that were donated by the Knights of Columbus to be distributed to the homeless in our area.
The Knights of Columbus Council #541 and the Loyal Veterans Battalion joined together on the sleeping bag donation to our homeless citizens.
Knights Paul Conches, Bret Ridgway, Terrell Butler and David Gorrell
enjoyed the festivities at the 2018 Crisis Pregnancy Center fundraiser.
The Knights of Columbus was pleased to host a table at the 2018
Crisis Pregnancy Center annual fundraising dinner.
Sir Knights George Knezevich, Sean Cramer, Ed Burt, Mike Brown, David Gorrell
and Bret Ridgway provided a color guard for Annunciation Parish in Brazil for
their Divine Mercy Sunday Eucharistic Procession.
The St. Joseph University Parish choir provided the entertainment for the
Warrior to Lourdes fundraiser which raised enough funds to send a Wounded
Warrior and their caregiver to Lourdes.
Bret Ridgway presents Anna McDaniel, Business Manager of St. Joseph University Parish with a $1000 donation as the first official contribution to the parishes upcoming Capital Campaign.
Sir Knights from left to right, Tom Born, Ron Fouts, Sean Cramer, Mike Brown, David Gorrell, Bret Ridgway, Ken Nordmeyer, Ryan Loftus and Jerry Wagner provided the Color Guard for the 2018 St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Congratulations to our newest Sir Knights –
Bob Flott and Mark Monahan, who became
4th Degree Members February 3rd, 2018.
Knights Bret Ridgway, George Knezevich and Tony Peterson with the winner of the Gibault 3-Point Shooting Contest.
Some Christmas shopping for the children at Gibault was handled by Mike Brown, David and Linda Gorrell, Terrell Butler and Bret Ridgway.
Grand Knight Bret Ridgway (back row on right) was among the award recipients for the Knights of Columbus Christmas in the Park display.
Members of the 4th Degree and their guests enjoyed a nice dinner at Logan’s Ribeye.
Below are various shots, daytime and night time, of the Christmas in the Park Display
Knights Ryan Loftus and Kevin Murphy pitched in with the pickup of food barrels for the Catholic Charities’ “Share Your Thanksgiving” Food Drive.
Knight Kevin Murphy wheels out another barrel of food for the Catholic Charities’ “Share Your Thanksgiving” Food Drive.
Knights Kevin Murphy, Bob Flott and Marty Storey spent a full day November 16th, 2017 helping pick up food for the Catholic Charities “Share Your Thanksgiving” Food Drive.
Knights Bret Ridgway and Mark Monahan prepare lunch for the
St. Joseph University Parish students on their Awakenings Retreat
November 4th, 2017.
Sir Knights (from left to right) Sean Cramer, Tom Born,
David Gorrell, Mike Brown, David Winters, Bret Ridgway
and Gaylon Smith helped with the Mass of Remembrance
at St. Benedict on November 2nd, 2017.
It’s Thanksgiving barrel time again for Catholic Charities, and the Knights helped place all collection barrels the week of October 16th, 2017
We held our 2nd annual Youth Soccer Challenge on September 17th, 2017
TH K of C 541 Knight Chad Roach and Passenger Cruising By During the Ride for Ryves
Some of the kids and other from Ryves Youth Center Showed Up to Lend Their Support
Another Rider Supporting the Kids at Ryves
Riding for Ryves on a Beautiful Saturday Afternoon
Heading on Down the Road in Support of Ryves
Members of the 4th Degree Assembly #252 participated in the Annunciation Parish in Brazil Eucharistic Procession on Saturday, August 26th, 2017
Father John Hollowell from Annunciation Parish in Brazil delivers his first homily in their newly renovated parish.
Knight Jack Penry help with some landscaping for the CANDLES Holocaust Museum during the United Way Day of Action July 14, 2017
The Knights helped with weeding and other landscaping for the CANDLES Holocaust Museum
CANDLES Holocaust Museum Day of Action July 14, 2017
The K of C Crew at CANDLES (left to right) – Dave Grabowski, Cami Loftus, Museum founder Eva Kor, Ryan Loftus, Andrew Loftus and Jack Penry
Cami and Andrew Loftus helped get some flowerpots in orders at CANDLES Museum. Thank you Cami and Andrew.
Yes, Bret does carpets at St. Benedict during the July 14, 2017 United Way Day of Action
Ashley Grant helps the Knights during the St. Benedict cleaning during the United Way Day of Action. Thank you Ashley.
St. Mother Theordore Guerin Council #541 Member George Knezevich
Referees Some Volleyball During the Special Olympics in June.
George Knezevich Checks the Scoreboard as He
Referees Some Volleyball During the Special Olympics in June.
Rob Sturm and Krista Holt from Gibault Children’s Services joined Knights David Gorrell (pictured), Terrell Butler and Bret Ridgway in selecting 201 videos to stock their new movie theater.
The Knights step up for a family in need. Earlier this year Council #541 funded a medical device that will help a young man learn to walk. The device was not covered by insurance so our council purchased the device for the family. Above, 2 year old Caleb takes his first stroll with his mother Laura. Below, Knights Terrell Butler, Mike Brown and David Gorrell surprised the family with the gift, and below that the entire Fussner family.
The Fussner Family
At the recent K of C State Convention our Council #541 received one of just twelve 5 Star Council Awards from Gibault.
Walt Anslinger tees it up for the Council #541 Golf Team for the 2017 Gibault Knights of Columbus Scramble
George Meiners pulls another one from the cup as Walt Anslinger and David Gorrell watch on at the 2017 Gibault Knights of Columbus Golf Scramble.
David Gorrell tees is up at the Gibault K of C Golf Scramble.
Council #541 Golf Scramble Team for the 2017 Gibault Knights of Columbus Scramble. From left to right David Gorrell, Bret Ridgway, Walt Anslinger and George Meiners
Sir Knights Terrell Butler, Ken Nordmeyer, Bret Ridgway, Mike Brown and David Winters Provided a Color Guard for the April 28, 2017 Confirmation at St. Joseph University Parish
Banks of the Wabash Chorus Performs at the Warriors to Lourdes Fundraiser 2017
Fr. Ron Ashmore Leads Us in Prayer
The Folks from First Financial Bank Enjoying the Luncheon
St. Joseph University Parish Choir Performs at the Warriors to Lourdes Fundraiser 2017
Fr. Ron Ashmore Delivers His Keynote Presentation About Lourdes at the Warriors to Lourdes Fundraiser 2017
Banks of the Wabash Chorus Enjoys the Luncheon at the Warriors to Lourdes Fundraiser 2017
Knights Sean Cramer, Mike Brown, and Phil Brown and His Wife Enjoy the Luncheon
Knights Mark Monahan and Ron Fouts Enjoy the Luncheon Along with Other Guests
Head Table of Luncheon (From L to R) Chuck Mitchell, Laura Mitchell, Ken Nordmeyer, Karen Ridgway, Ryan Loftus, and Dr. Marsha Bialaszewski
Warriors to Lourdes Fundraiser Emcee Dr. Dennis Bialaszewski
Table Sponsor First Financial Bank (Front Table) and St. Joseph University Parish Choir Enjoy the Luncheon
Knight Mark Monahan and His Family Enjoy the Luncheon
Warriors to Lourdes Fundraiser Table Setup for the Event
Official Event Banner for the 1st Annual Knights of Columbus Warriors to Lourdes Benefit Fundraiser
The Silent Auction is Ready to Go for the Warriors to Lourdes Luncheon Benefit 2017
Knight Vince Pfister is Presented a Plaque and Challenge Coin by Patty Steigelbauer of Gibault
4th Degree Knights Bret Ridgway, Ken Nordmeyer and Ron Fouts Represented the Knights of Columbus at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade – March 11th, 2017.
Ryves Hall District Free Throw Competition Winners – January 28, 2017
George Knezevich Presents Awards to Free Throw Competition Winners – January 28, 2017
Free Throw Competitors – January 28, 2017
George Knezevich Presents Awards at January 28, 2017 Free Throw Contest at Ryves Hall
Competitors at 2017 District Free Throw Competition
George Knezevich Presents Awards to the Female Age Group Winners
4th Degree Installation of Officers 2016 Blessing of Swords
4th Degree Installation of Officers 2016 Blessing of Swords
4th Degree Installation of Officers 2016 Blessing of Swords
4th Degree Installation of Officers 2016 Blessing of Swords
Friend of Gibault Award Presented to Council 541 at State Convention 2016
Gibault Christmas Party 2012
Gibault Christmas Party 2015
Gibault Christmas Party 2015
Gibault Christmas Party 2015
Gibault Christmas Party 2015
Gibault Christmas Party 2015
Gibault Christmas Party 2015
Gibault Christmas Party 2015
Gibault Christmas Party 2015
Gibault Christmas Party 2015 – Tony Peterson and Tom Gawlik Serving Pizza
Soup Bowl Benefit Setup Crew 2016, L-R David Gorrell, Bret Ridgway,Ken Nordmeyer, Unknown
St. Ben Soup Kitchen Wednesday Crew 2016, L-R Bret Ridgway, Ken Nordmeyer, George Miners, Tom Gawlik, Sean Cramer, Walt Anslinger
St. Ben Soup Kitchen Wednesday Crew 2016, L-R Bret Ridgway, Ken Nordmeyer, George Miners, Tom Gawlik, Sean Cramer, Walt Anslinger
Supreme Knight Carl Anderson
Thank You Note for Help with 2013 Family Day at St. Mary of the Woods