1st Degree Ceremony
St. Margaret Mary & Via ZoomSock and Underwear Drive Kickoff
Catholic Charities Christmas Store - Locust StreetAgain this year the Knights of Columbus will be assisting Catholic Charities with their sock and underwear drive. We will be placing barrels at various locations on Wednesday, July 22nd and picking them up on...
American Legion Post - Fort Harrison RoadThe K of C will be assisting with placing barrels and accepting food donations for the American Legion's Foodstock event on July 25th. The event will be held at the American Legion post on Ft....
Business Meeting
St. Margaret Mary & Via ZoomBrother Knights; Our August business meeting will be on Monday, August 3rd and will be conducted via Zoom. We are using the same link this month for both the 7 pm Rosary and the 7:30...
Sock and Underwear Drive Pickup
Catholic Charities Christmas Store - Locust StreetAgain this year the Knights of Columbus will be assisting Catholic Charities with their sock and underwear drive. We will be placing barrels at various locations on Wednesday, July 22nd and picking them up on...
4th Degree Exemplification
Lafayette, IndianaSPONSOR: Father Edward F. Sorin, C.S.C., Province, Indiana District HOST ASSEMBLY: General de Lafayette Assembly #0249 LOCATIONS: Registration, Exemplification, Mass, and Dinner – Church of the Blessed Sacrament, 2224 Sacramento Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47906 ALL...
St. Margaret Mary Yard Sale Setup
St. Margaret Mary & Via ZoomThe Knights of Columbus have been asked again this year to assist the parishioners of St. Margaret Mary with their annual yard sale setup. Meet at St. Margaret Mary parish at 6 am on Friday,...
Business Meeting
St. Margaret Mary & Via ZoomOur September business meeting will be on Monday, September 7th and will be conducted via Zoom. We are using the same link this month for both the 7 pm Rosary and the 7:30 pm business...
Ride 4 Ryves
St. Margaret Mary & Via ZoomOur 4th annual Ride for Ryves Charity Motorcycle Ride will be held Saturday, September 12th. Rain date is September 19th. Registration begins at 10:30 am at St. Margaret Mary and last kickstand up will be...
Business Meeting
St. Margaret Mary & Via ZoomTonight's meeting will be both in person and available via Zoom. Rosary at 7 pm, meeting at 7:30. To attend via Zoom click the link below: George Knezevich is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom...