Coat Drive Barrel Placement
Barrels will be placed out anytime today at those businesses who are collecting coats for the annual Catholic Charities Coat Drive. We'll need about 6 Knights total to help with coat donation pickup once weekly...
4th Degree Meeting Via Zoom
St. Margaret Mary & Via ZoomBret Ridgway is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: K of C 4th Degree Meeting - Assembly 252 Time: Oct 12, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting
Trunk or Treat
Ryves HallKnights of Columbus Council 541 in conjuunction with Catholic Charities and Ryves Community Optimist Club will be hosting a Trunk or Treat on Halloween night! We'll be going from 5-7 pm in the parking lot...
Business Meeting
St. Margaret Mary & Via ZoomThe November business meeting will be both in person and available via Zoom. To join us via Zoom: Meeting ID: 953 1894 4716 Passcode: 610398
Helpers of God’s Precious Infants
BloomingtonHelpers, A reminder that our next Helper's prayer gathering will be on Saturday November 7, 2020 at Planned Parenthood located in Bloomington, Indiana. If you need a ride, please call me at 812-841-0060. Our itinerary...
Share Your Thanksgiving Barrel Pickup
Catholic Charities 14th & Locust, Terre HauteMeet at Catholic Charities Food Bank on N. 14 - 1/2 Street at 12:00 Noon.
Coat Drive Barrel Pickup
All barrels need to be picked up from the various collection locations for the annual coat drive and returned to Catholic Charities. Any final coats collected need to be delivered to Courtesy Cleaners on Wabash.
Share Your Thanksgiving Barrel Pickup
Catholic Charities 14th & Locust, Terre HauteChristmas in the Park Setup
Speaker Fulfillment Services and Deming Park Terre Haute, United StatesMeet at Bret Ridgway's office (2001 N. Hunt Street) at 9 am to load trucks/trailer. Meet at park at 10 am to begin setup. Meeting at my office will be at warehouse entrance off of...
Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
Walmart EastKnights from St Mother Theodore Guerin Council #541 will be ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at the grocery side entrance of Walmart on Highway 46 from 2 pm to 8 pm on Saturday,...