St. Benedict Soup Kitchen

St. Benedict's 111 South 9th Street, Terre Haute, IN, United States

Help is always needed on the serving line.

Movie Showing of “Unplanned”

St. Joseph University Parish

Brother Knights; St. Joseph University Parish will be showing the movie "Unplanned" this Friday, October 7 from 6 pm - 8 pm in the Gregorian Room. Our council sponsored this movie for the parish by paying the necessary licensing fee and we want to be sure all Knights know they are invited to attend. Unplanned is the Abby Johnson story. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors...

Coat Drive Kickoff

Catholic Charities Christmas Store - Locust Street

The annual coat drive in conjunction with Catholic Charities and the local radio station will begin on Monday, October 17th. Several knights are needed to place the collection barrels and do a weekly pickup of...

Trunk or Treat

Ryves Hall

This year's Trunk or Treat event will be held in conjunction with the Ryves Youth Center "Family Night". Whether it will be held inside or out in the parking lot will be determined at a...

St. Benedict Soup Kitchen

St. Benedict's 111 South 9th Street, Terre Haute, IN, United States

Help is always needed on the serving line.