Photos from the 1990s

4th Degree Leading St Patricks Day Parade - March 13, 1999

4th Degree Leading St. Patrick’s Day Parade – March 1999

Christmas in the Park Display  Christmas in the Park Display

Christmas in the Park Display-2  Christmas in the Park Display

Christmas-in-the-Park-Setup - David Winters, Ken Nordmeyer, Joe Newport, Phil Dice


Christmas in the Park Setup – David Winters, Ken Nordmeyer

District Picnic - August 23, 1992  District Picnic – August 23, 1992

District Picnic-2 - August 23, 1992  District Picnic August 23, 1992

District Picnic-4 - August 23, 1992  District Picnic August 23, 1992

Fixing Up St Leonards  Fixing Up St. Leonards

IMG_0970  Enjoying the Picnic

IMG_0972  Enjoying Some Fellowship

IMG_0973  What Is It?

IMG_0974  Just Hanging Out

IMG_0975  Picnic

IMG_0976  Picnic

IMG_0977  At the Party Wagon

IMG_0978  Playing a Game

IMG_0979  Picnic

IMG_0980  Getting Ready for the Picnic

IMG_0981  Enjoying Some Refreshments

IMG_0982  A Get Together

IMG_0983  Enjoying the Day

IMG_0984  Just Chillin’

IMG_0985  That’s Right, It’s Me

IMG_0986  Finding the Shade

IMG_0987  The Badminton Pros

IMG_0988  Thank You Card from 1997

IMG_0989  Chatting with Some Friends

IMG_0990  I Thought it was a Halloween Party!

IMG_0991  Lining Up for an Activity

IMG_0992  Feeling Lucky?

IMG_0993  Swapping Stories

IMG_0994  Now, That’s a Hat!

IMG_0995  Now Let Me Tell You a Story

IMG_0996  Watch Out for the Ants!

IMG_0998  Photographing the Photographer



Wow, What a Beautiful Party Wagon!





Looks Like a Great Day to Lounge Around

IMG_1002  Time to Eat!

IMG_1003  The Serving Line



Schlitz, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Only the Best for the Knights!

IMG_1005  Can I Have Seconds?

IMG_1006  Now, Where’d She Go?

IMG_1007  And How Much Did You Win?

IMG_1010  Fourth Degree Installation 1990s

IMG_1011  Fourth Degree Installation 1990s

IMG_1012  Fourth Degree Installation 1990s

IMG_1013  Fourth Degree Installation 1990s

IMG_1037  Gathering Together

IMG_1038  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1039  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1040  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1041  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1042  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1043  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1044  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1045  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1046  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1047  Outdoor Mass

IMG_1048  Don’t Drop That Egg!

IMG_1049  A Good Crowd

IMG_1050  Not It’s Getting Serious!

IMG_1051  A Thumbs Up from the Lady in Pink

IMG_1052  Helping the Little Ones

IMG_1053  You Want Me to Do What?

IMG_1055  Did I Make It?

IMG_1057  Ready, Set, Go!

IMG_1058  Enjoying Some Games

IMG_1059  What a Beautiful Day for a Picnic!




1999 Beatification Mass at St. Mary of the Woods





1999 Beatification Mass at St. Mary of the Woods





1999 Beatification Mass at St. Mary of the Woods – Kenneth Nordmeyer and others





1999 Beatification Mass at St. Mary of the Woods Including Sir Knight Rod Neeson




1999 Beatification Mass at St. Mary of the Woods



1999 Beatification Mass at St. Mary of the Woods

IMG_1136  Relics of St. Teresa 1999

IMG_1137    Relics of St. Teresa 1999

IMG_1257  Wanna Dance?

IMG_1422  Memorial Card for Harry Thomas Richard 1995

Manning the Grill at K of C Picnic - 1997  David Winters Manning the Grill

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Beatification Honor Guard 1999



Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Beatification Honor Guard 1999

Sir-Knight-Jerry-Wagner  Sir Knight Jerry Wagner

Sir-Knight-Rod-Neeson  Sir Knight Rod Neeson

Tootsie Roll Drive - 1997 - Dennis Bialaszewski


Tootsie Roll Drive 1997 Dennis Bialaszewski



Christmas Party 1993 at Tony Babbs’ Cafe





Christmas Party 1993 at Tony Babbs’ Cafe

Fr. Maurice Hayes, OFM Conv. 1997  Fr. Maurice Hayes, OFM Conv. 1997

Thank You Card for Essay Contest  Essay Contest Thank You Note, 1992